See Aneta's Biography


   Agnes's Biography

Born: December 4th 1986 in Poland
Education: Sayreville War Memorial High School 2001- 2005
Favorite Singer: Enya
Favorite music: Techno
Favorite movie: Braveheart
Favorite author: H. Sienkiewicz
Favorite book: "Bess Creek" By Yackta Oya
Places she visited: France, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Austria,
                              Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Czech Republic, Hungry,
                              Turkey, Bulgaria, Canada and Russia.
Places she wants to visit: the rest of the world
Languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Spanish
Favorite pet: Sillky Terrier...Kajtus!
Favorite activities: Ice Skating, Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball, Soccer, Field Hockey, Badminton,
                              Softball, Hiking, Biking, Playing Piano, Ballroom Dance, Writing Poetry,
                              Making Ceramics, Reading.
Favorite quotes: "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
                          "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread"
                           -Mother Teresa